my story about a building!!
- Koutsodonti Eva
story writing student book different places different buildings
A surprise party in Nyc
Niki Lagkourani A visit to Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia is the largest church in the world. When you walking inside you can see the big pillars and smaller sanctuaries between them. The whole church is ornated with colorful glasses and when the sun comes through them the spectacle is amazing. In the end the big blurred and the theoretic columns make you feel like you are walking on one big colorful tunnel.A short story about Aifel Tower
Stelios Bitakos
Eiffel tower is located in France (Paris). It is a really tall building, which was built in the 19th century. Many tourists visit it, so they can take pictures of all the city. It's height is 501ft and it is the most popular and impressive landmark in France. When I visited it, some random guy was looking at me, holding a weapon. When I saw him, I started running asking for help. No one paid attention to me. It was like I was not even there! Then I felt something really weird. The alarm clock which I had in my room started ticking. After all, I realized that this adventure was luckily a dream!
Jason ChristouA visit to Louvre
Konstantina SalvaridouLouvre Museum
Dimitris Chatzilampidis
Έγγραφο 3
A Thriller
Maria PatsoliaA building
Cold Blood...
Panagiota KouvatsouCOLD BLOOD
One day in Prague, a builders team were restoring and old house. One of the builders was silly and threw a brick in the famous clock of Prague! When this happened, the whole team was thinking for an idea and they finally ended up to repaint the missing piece. And they did it so well, thatnothing on the clock was different. Today, these men are a team of mural artist. And their artistic name is: <<The broken clocks>>!!
Thanasis Nikitos B4Apostolos Semertsidis
Apostolos Semertzidis - story writing student book different places different buildings
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