


Task 6

Create a simple colour poem. It could
be like this:

Roses are red, / violets are blue,/ your
sister is lovely,/ what happened to you?

Then, read it aloud according to the pauses and rewrite in the actual line break.

Shades of Poetry                        By students of C Class


Green is life
Green is trees.
But I can’t buy
A cup of tea
In this world.
So is it of any worth
Having such a
Favourite colour?
Green is worth
In this world
‘Cause it makes you feel
So young.

Maria Ioanna Mega


A friend of mine
Is obsessed
With red.
He says
It’s a lovely colour,
Just right for lovely people.

                                        Aggeliki Galinou


When the sky is blue,
I like doing
Lots of wonderful things
Like swimming in the sea.

                                        Lydia Davala 
Skypeia Land

The sky is blue
The grass is green
And the angels
Are flying above
In the world of Skypeia
Where everything is fantastic
But when the king
Of Skypeia is murdered
Nobody can secure the borders
‘Cause Skypeia has become
a land of the evil, the insecure,
a land of black.

Irene Antipa

What happened to you?

Roses are red,
Violets are blue
Your brother is lovely
What happened to you?
You are always angry
And you often go red,
Just calm down
Like everybody else.

                        Lina Vastardi


Your hair is black
Your face is white
You live in the forest
They call you

Lefki Karastatira


My favourite colour is orange
Because it is really like orange.
It is not just a colour for me
It is the meaning of all my life.
The majority of girls usually
Prefer pink
But I may be an exception.
And I’m glad for that
‘Cause I want to be different.

Marina Mavrofridi


Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
The sea is blue,
The sky, too.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I love your eyes
I love you, too.

                                     Chara Zoulinou.


The colour of the sea and sky
Always lit up, always bright.
Blue takes off all worries,
Makes you calm, fall in love.
Blue will take you away
In a world without hate.

                                  John Vlachopoulos


Blue is calmness.
Blue is peace.
Blue is the colour of the sea.
Blue is the colour of the sky.
Blue, the colour of all hopes
I had as a child.

                      George Lembidakis  


Blue is peace
Blue is love
Blue is calmness
Blue is the sky
Blue is a smile
With a lover tonight.

                                      Helen Kotsifaki


If you want to find
Something really nice
You’d better not look here,
‘Cause you’ll soon realize
That there is only grey.

But go away, disappear,
Disappear behind a tree
And walk,
Walk until
You see the sea.

What a wonderful sight!
Oh, it’s full of blue.
It’s fantastic with the light
Shining from the stars above.

And now come back again.
Look at the blue flowers,
Look at the blue moon
With the yellow brush strokes.

                                    Konstadina Latsi

Black is white
Black is the moon
Black is something
Black is nothing
Black must die.

                                     Dimitris Zournatzis


Red is fire,
Red is power,
Red is love,
And desire.
Red means passion
And devotion-
To long for love
And strong emotion.

                                         Eleni Anastasopoulou


Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
If you kill your friend,
Kill your foes too.

Dark Park

George is fading into black
But he is not afraid
Of the dark
And goes to the park.


Love is in the air
Where blue
Loves to be.
                                                Maria Kanali

Red                                         Death, blood, fire, destruction.
Everywhere red, red, red.
Nothing left alive.
Everything has been destroyed.
Nothing left for a living.
You are walking half dead in the rain.
Your eyes are red.
Your heart is full of red.
You are walking through the streets,
Looking around.
All you see is
fire, fire, fire.

                                        Michael Gialousis

A sip of red wine

I hate blue
Because it reminds me of you.
I miss your green eyes
And that makes me cry.
I see a black cloud around me
And wonder
Where have you been?
Have a sip of red wine
Because one day
You will be mine.

                                 Kelly Efthymiadi

The workshop was taught by the English teacher Anastasia Paraskevoulakou


Think Teen            3rd Grade junior High School

Unit 7  Shades of Meaning SB (p. 74)
Activity 9- Mediation

An English-speaking friend of your parents has heard about Art Therapy and wants to know more about it.

“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Our students (class - 3rd J. High School) present their own definition of what is art therapy!

Team work: Lebidakis, Kiminas, Karabasis, Kapnia
Step 1: Ss survey among the members of the group -they all write down the answers 
Step 2: presentation- each member presents another student’s definition

*Art therapy is the procedure of recovering

-By producing art.

They also stated that:

*Art therapy is a method used to help people suffering from stress.

* It can be any from of art such as: a poem, a song, a painting, a play, even a movie!

Team work: E. Anastasopoulou, K. Efthimiadi, L. Vastardi, C. Zoulinou

Chara: In my opinion, art therapy is when someone gets better by reading poems, looking at paintings…..

Lina: Or by sketching, drawing…

Kelly: Right girls, you become more creative by creating!

Eleni: An example of art therapy is going to the theatre.
Pairwork: Lydia and Danae Γ1-2
L.: Good morning Danae!
D.: Good morning!!
L.: Could you please tell me in a nutshell what is art therapy?
D.: I think it’s something when an artist paints or writes a poem or a song….
L.: You mean you just have to express your feelings and feel better.
 D.: Yes, right. How about you?
L.: When I feel sad or happy, I usually express myself on paper. It really helps me relax.
D.: I see. You know I have never kept a diary. I might start one.
L.: Great, you find out many things about yourself! Let’s go now, we are going to miss the movie.
D.: Off we go then!

Art Therapy is…

* Art therapy is when someone keeps in touch with various art works.

*Art therapy may be useful to escape reality.

*Art therapy may be useful to forget many problems.

*Art therapy always broadens our mind and so we can become better people!!!!

                 Written by Alex Vayanos Γ1

*An attempt to get rid of all your troubles through art is art therapy.
      Written by John Vlachopoulos Γ1
Team Work: Gialousis, Karastatira, Kallas, Kara

*Art therapy is when you are in need to do something creative!

* Art therapy is everything!

*Having a sense of creativity is part of art therapy.

*Looking at the colours of someone’s painting, you could have a hint about what’s on his/her mind.

         The End...................


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